I’m Victoria and I’m always looking for a new adventure. Whether it’s exploring a new city, a new country, or even your own backyard, there are always new things to photograph, new foods to try, and new people to meet. Through my Nomad(V)ic blog, my Victineraries & my Photo Diaries, I hope to give you the tools to travel and to inspire you to find your next adventure.
In 2020, many of us had to put our travel plans in a drawer. When that happened I turned my focus to keeping busy in other ways at home, and a new hobby was born: needlepoint! Always inspired by my time living in Florence, I’ve designed a series of needlepoint canvases based on Italian cities. Hopefully making something with an Italian theme can give you a fond reminder of trips past and future. Check out the shop here, and more about needlepoint resources over here.
In 2021 I got sick of being home and so I packed up my stuff and decided to live life on the road for a while. Check out my NomadVic series for updates on where I’ve been, where I’m going next, and the mix of adventure, fun, and challenges that I’ve come across along the way.
~ Victoria
Art by @deluxewitch, commissioned by my friend Dave for my 30th birthday