My favorite big head in the Boboli Gardens, Florence, Italy
I have loved picking up a camera and capturing my travels from a young age, and that love was amplified when I was lucky enough to spend a semester abroad in Florence, Italy, during the Spring of 2013. I only had a small point-and-shoot camera then, but I learned quickly to take it everywhere so that I would never miss an opportunity to capture the staggering beauty that Italy manages to hide around every corner.
When I graduated from college in 2014 I got my first DSLR (Nikon D5300). Since then I have moved close to NYC and have been running around trying to juggle work & shooting in my spare time. While I love my new DSLR, I still look back at images I was able to capture with a point-and-shoot in Italy and it really solidified for me the importance of light and timing.
Throughout my photographic journey I have been trying to narrow down my focus and I have decided to combine by love of travel with my equal passion for architecture & design.
So with that said, welcome to my photography website, a destination for Urban Travelers.
Thank you for visiting and please leave comments, suggestions, and travel tips!
~ Victoria