If you couldn’t tell from my Charleston posts, I really loved it when I visited in March / April. I went in thinking I would probably like it, and so tried to really reserve judgement until I had been there at least a month. I ended up staying for a full 10 weeks, and in that time I went from trying to not fall too fast to diving in head first.
I’m a northern-thinking, blue-voting, liberal as hell person… but just because my soul will always be a New Yorker doesn’t mean I am made to put up with northern winters. As I traveled around a lot of places in the south during the past year, one of the best things I found was that there are in fact blue pockets to be found. There are urban centers and places with like minded folks who happen to fall on the more liberal side of the spectrum. There are also a lot of places that have way better weather than NY for most of the year. Charleston happens to be my happy medium of both.
If I had to list the top 6 things that really called to me about Charleston, they would be (in no particular order): The water, the food & drink, the trees, the architecture / design, the walkability, and the people. Let’s dig into each one.
The Water:
I have always been, and will always be, a water baby. Some of my earliest memories are of going to the pool as a tiny kid, and joining my swim team at the tender age of 6 or 7. Water has always grounded me, and Charleston has some of the best water access out there. Between ample beaches that my little doggo Fred and I love to take walks on, to marshes you can kayak & boat through, to the entirety of downtown being on a peninsula so you can take a lovely stroll along the Battery, water is everything here. Whenever I need to breathe just a little bit deeper, I just get myself to the nearest water source and listen to the sound of the waves.
Dolphin sighting!
The Food & Drink Culture:
I love food, and I love a good cocktail. I’m also vegan. Finding places that have great vegan options is already hard, and doing that in the South definitely got interesting. However, Charleston has one of the best food scenes in the US. While you may not get the extreme cultural diversity of food that you might find in a NY or LA, the quality of the food here is phenomenal. In my first 2.5 months here I was able to really get out, explore, and have some truly delicious meals.
The Trees / Nature:
This one is going to sound weird, but there is something so special about the trees here. I stayed in the Hampton Park area at an airbnb apartment and was able to walk my dog in the park every day. When I say this place made an impression… well see for yourself:
The Architecture / Design:
I love beautiful architecture and design and boy oh boy does Charleston know how to deliver. From truly beautiful old homes to lovely store fronts along King Street, everything here is just beyond pretty. What can I say, I’m a sucker for a nice view.
The Walkability:
Another thing I’m a sucker for? A nice stroll. If you’re in the downtown peninsula you can easily get around on foot. I LOVE being able to get around using just your own two feet (and maybe a bike sometimes), and there is nothing more lovely than an afternoon stroll through downtown, south of Broad, or some of the parks.
Last but certainly not least. As I was traveling I would try and make friends and connections everywhere I went. In each location I would ask folks the following question: “If you’re from here, what made you stay? Or if you moved here, what drew you in and what made you stay?” The answer I got here in Charleston more than anywhere else: “the people”. Charleston manages to combine some more liberal tendencies with those classic southern manners. I once heard someone here say that when folks move to Charleston they just automatically become a bit nicer. Even the blunt New Yorkers ;-P
I have to say, it’s true. I made some great friends everywhere I went. But the overall group of folks here in Charleston just makes every day, every interaction, just a wee bit nicer.
Those were my 6 main reasons for choosing Charleston. Thanks for coming along on this wild ride of a journey, and if you live here or have been lucky enough to visit, drop a comment below with your favorite thing about Charleston.
~ Happy traveling, V ~