September Highlights:
Took Fred places, as always. He was a parrot. Or a backpack princess at the Feminist Magic Market up in North Charleston / Park Circle
Fav Fred accessories (not sponsored, just well used & loved)
Harnesses from Lucy & Co (available online or at Petsmart)
Backpack from K9 Sportsack
Went to a wonderful festival that Charleston Pride had at the Refinery
Took a trip up to NY to visit one of my besties from college, and then the two of us drove over to PA to attend our other college bestie’s wedding. Great time overall <3<3<3
Started in Westchester, NY
Dinner at Fatt Root in Pleasantville
Bagels from Bagelicious Cafe in Thornwood before hitting the road to PA
Went to the wedding in PA
Stopped at Rockland Bakery in NY to get lunch on the way back. Old favorite from when I lived up in Nyack, NY
Came back to NY and spent a day down in Manhattan
Took the train through Grand Central, always a favorite place to just take in the NY essence
More bagels. Obviously.
Flight back home. I’ve been using Breeze Airways a lot out of Charleston because they go to tiny airports, like the one in Westchester NY instead of having to go to the big NYC ones. Super handy.
For everywhere noteworthy I ate in Charleston this month, check out the Charleston Eats - September 2024 post