As part of the human race, we are the biggest threat to the health of our planet. From the types of energy we use and the pollution we cause, to the waste we make and the food we eat, our very existence is usually really unsustainable.
Over the years I’ve taken some time to learn a lot about sustainability and the effects even one person can make with their daily choices, both good and bad. As I’ve read and researched, here are the two people that have inspired me the most to live a more sustainable and low-impact life.
My Biggest Source of Zero-Waste Inspiration: I don’t know where I first heard about Lauren Singer… but at this point I think I’ve probably watched every Ted Talk, listened to every interview, and read every article that she’s done…. what can I say. I’m a Trash is for Tossers fan girl. She lives a zero waste lifestyle and has used her voice and her story to help inspire others to reduce their waste as well. What was once just a blog has turned into the inspiration for multiple businesses and a continuing commitment to activism about this issue. Here are just some of the places that I follow her, as well as some of the talks & discussions that have helped me learn more about zero waste.
Her Website: Trash is for Tossers - This is a great resources for inspiration on how to go zero waste, and also how to make some of your own products if you’re fed up with plastic packaging on EVERYTHING.
Her Instagram: @trashisfortossers
Her store in Brooklyn: Package Free Shop - Ever wondered where you can find some great plastic & package free items to help you ditch the single use stuff? Check this out.
They also stock her other business, clean laundry detergent under the brand The Simply Co. It comes in a reusable glass container, and you can refill it at her shop, or use it for other stuff.
Her Youtube channel: Trash is for Tossers - Check out how-to videos on lots of zero-waste things like how to shop without packaging, to how to make certain products at home like cleaning solution, body lotion, and even toothpaste.
May 2015 - The TED Talk that started it all. This is a great intro to Lauren and her philosophy. Along with her trash jar!
Feb 2018 - An interview with Lewis Howes for the “School of Greatness” podcast.
April 2017 - An interview with conservation scientist Dr. M. Sanjayan for Vox discussing a lot of the effects of waste & pollution.
Jan 2015 - An example of one of Lauren’s DIY videos: How to make your own toothpaste. Others include body lotion, deoderant, and cleaning solution.
Before Lauren, there was: Bea Johnson of the Zero Waste Home
Bea was the original inspiration for Lauren Singer to go zero waste. Bea is a working mom of two in California, founder of a great website, an author, and a speaker. She’s traveled all over the world to help educate people on the benefits of zero waste and provides resources to help others reduce their waste. Check her out in the following places:
Her website: Zero Waste Home
The tip guide from the site is really great
She also has a bulk food finder app. If you find more locations, help to grow the network by adding them in!
Her book: Zero Waste Home - available in over 20 languages
July 2016 - a TED Talk focusing on how her family has really embraced zero waste.
Dec 2016 - Another TED Talk, focused on the 5R's (In order: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot)
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